And speaking of socks I got a great picture through from my mum this morning of her wearing the alpaca socks that I made and they fit her much better than they did me- which is lovely to see. I shall now be tackling round 2 on the husbands socks and try for a re-knit to make them bigger. I have just finished a second pair of baby socks so if I can avoid starting anymore of those then there's a good chance I can get the husband kitted out in some flashy stripey socks by the middle of Feb. Then there's some socks for me that need making up and at least three more pairs of baby socks.
At some point I might actually get round to knitting something other than socks (I realise that this is rapidly turning into 'sock blog') but I asked the husband for sock wool for Valentine's Day so I'm really sorry folks but it looks as though this trend is going to continue for a while yet!
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