Thursday 29 May 2008

Freecycle treasures

I managed to bag myself some wool on freecycle yesterday which I was very happy about as I'm sure you can imagine! Went round and picked it up after I'd had my tea and then spread it out across the lounge floor in order to be able to sort it out. One bag had three identical mohair jumpers in it- well, identical except that one was blue, one red and one yellow. The yellow one was the most complete, having only one sleeve missing. Unfortunately this didn't turn up in the other bag and there was no spare wool for it so I couldn't finish it off. The blue one had a back and one sleeve complete but the front and other sleeve had been ripped off the needles half way through so that won't get completed either (the wool they are in in mohair and I just can't bring myself to pick up all those stitches). The red one however has all its bits and just needs sewing up so I shall finish that one off and donate it to charity (mohair not really being my thing).
The other bag was an absolute wonder. There were three pattern books of colour work, some with design by quite famous people. One of the pattern books was obviously in use for a stunning piece of colour work that I untangled from a ball of bobbins and bits of cotton yarn at the bottom of the bag. It's not something that's to my taste in any way as it is obviously very 80's but the work and skill that went into making it is astounding. The yarn is expensive Rowan cotton (some with the original comedy 80's ball bands attached) and the pattern is kind of Inca style I think. There's only one bit (the front?) and it's not quite finished but I just don't have the heart to rip it back so I'm thinking that I might try and finish it off and then keep the piece as a memento or sort of inspiration square. The other option is to turn it into some kind of cushion so that it is being used but it really is too fab for that. I'll have to think on it for a bit but first I'll have to remember to take a photograph and I'm going to take the piece along to my knitting group next Tuesday to show them all as I'm sure they'll be just as impressed as I am by it!.
On top of this there were a few small odd balls of wool that I have either added into my stash or will go into the charity knits box at the Jam Factory as well but really this colour work piece was worth the whole trip alone despite the fact that I didn't really get any quantities usable yarn out of the deal.

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