So off to the doctors I went who also looked at it in a slightly horrified way but seemed to think that it was just a rather strong reaction on my part rather than any kind of infection. This didn't stop her from prescribing the third course of antibiotics I have had in a month- just in case. I also got a note to take with me to the chemists that told me the kind of antihistamines that I needed to find (no point prescribing these as it made it more expensive). I have personally prescribed myself some painkillers to go with my other tablets so once again, I rattle when I walk. At least it is not so itchy at the moment. When I got up this morning it was driving me crazy and I could have scratched the skin right off of my arm whilst maintaining a huge smile the whole time. Now I'm in work it is proving to be annoying in another way- the arm is so swollen that I can't hold it against my body properly or lift anything with my right hand. It's okay if I can rest my arm on the desk as it holds the lump away from my body but when walking around I have to do a terminator impression and hold my guns away from my body. Makes me look angry...grrr!
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