Thursday 18 September 2008

A few changes

Hopefully y'all will have noticed that I've made a few changes to the old blog-aroo. I have to admit that it feels a bit like I am selling out but this is all in preparation for going all out on-line and into the public domain. I've very slowly been creeping my way out from behind the balustrade in this respect but I need to start getting a bit more serious seeing as how the best friend and I are seriously considering getting ourselves an Etsy shop. So I've added in a search engine and some ads onto my site- these generate me a few dollars if you use them so please feel free to click away as much as physically possible. All these dollars go to buying yarn and crafting supplies which in turn will end up on our Etsy shop. The money we make from our Etsy shop, if such a thing should ever happen will probably just go to funding things like courses and the purchase of spinning wheels. We don't have any great plans for getting rich. We just wanted to try and fund our yarn addictions and hopefully pass on some of the lovingly crafted stuff that we make. I think that that is one of the biggest appeals for me. It's nice to know that the things I make are going to people that appreciate them and can see the amount of time and love that I have poured into them. Unfortunately there is a limit to the number of people like that that I know and they are now all getting to overload point on hand knitted items. I think that this is a common problem among crafters from what I've read.
Anyway, so the adbar is up and the search engine on. Like I say, if you could bring yourself to click on them I'd be mighty appreciative :)

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